spherical symmetry

英 [ˈsferɪkl ˈsɪmətri] 美 [ˈsferɪkl ˈsɪmətri]

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  1. The capsids of nearly all spherical viruses adopt icosahedral symmetry.
  2. Exact Solutions of Einstein Equations for Static Charged Perfect Fluid with Spherical Symmetry
  3. By replacing the fifth postulate in the preceding paper with the condition of spherical symmetry of space we again obtain the Friedmann universe in relativistic cosmology.
  4. Making Big Spherical Symmetry GRIN Micro-Sphere by Suspension-Diffusion-Copolymerization; Preparation of Large Particle Size PMMA Microspheres by Two Step Swelling Process
  5. Hawking Absorption of Charged Evaporative Black Hole with General Spherical Symmetry
  6. The thermal decomposition of the precursor includes two steps, the first is R3: spherical symmetry there dimensional phase inter-surface reaction with the reaction order of 3. The second is the simply second-order reaction.
  7. This paper simply reviews the circs of atmosphere upright distributing, as well as the status of atmospheric index or refractivity that be different with the station and azimuth, and analyzes the reason why can we adopt spherical symmetry atmosphere model at present.
  8. The muscle is taken as a non compressible Voigt Kelvin viscoelastic fluid model, on the assumption of moving in a radial direction and on spherical symmetry, a theoretical model proposed using the basic equations of the non Newtonian fluid mechanics.
  9. A kind of relaxation of rarefied gases in infinite space with spherical symmetry
  10. A special method of calculating average value of coordinate operator in central force field of spherical symmetry
  11. Non thermal radiation of stationary and non stationary spherical symmetry Black Hole with electric charge and magnetic charge are affected by interstellar materials. The average range of particles of non-thermal radiation depends on the maximum energy of the radiation and the energy extent of the radiation.
  12. Self-Gravitating Electromagnetic Radiation Systems of Spherical Symmetry before Gravitational Collapse to Black Holes
  13. In this paper, a simple method of calculation is given, the method is common and can solve some questions of central force field of spherical symmetry.
  14. The results show that shock waves front is spherical Symmetry and recovery of samples is reliable.
  15. Quantum Effect of Charge Particle in Spherical Symmetry Space Time
  16. The quantum thermal effect of Dirac particles of the moving spherical symmetry black hole with electric-magnetic charge
  17. Effect of heat conduction is added to the one-dimensional flow equations of spherical symmetry, and the temperature distribution during the closure of the hollow sphere is solved by finite-difference under the condition that the material is rigid-plastic fluid and the constitutive equations are thermo-visco-plastic.
  18. The Tensor Denotation of Beltrami Spherical Vortices and Their Symmetry Analysis
  19. On the Formula of Calculating Average Value of Coordinate Operator in Central Force Field of Spherical symmetry and the Application
  20. A new method for the study on the non-thermal radiation from the evaporating charge black holes of spherical symmetry
  21. Using Dirac equation, the Hawking absorption of spin particles near the interior horizon of black hole is studied. We redefine the entropy of black hole is defined, and give planck absolute entropy of charged evaporative black hole with general spherical symmetry is given.
  22. The spherical symmetry component of a ligand field
  23. Proof of Odd Expansion of Spherical Axial Symmetry Problem
  24. Calculating the Ground States Energies of the Molecules for Spherical Symmetry
  25. The radio spectra of the synchrotron sources with spherical symmetry
  26. The radial and axial displacements of spherical arc center are primary reason for form error, and spherical symmetry error respectively.
  27. Based on theory of spherical symmetry triangle and spherical triangle cosine theorem, the characteristics of two configurations of a spherical triangle is educed.
  28. In 2-D cylindrical geometry, it has been proven to be inappropriate that the traditional equation is used to study the 1-D spherical symmetry.
  29. The numerical results validate the 1-D spherical symmetry of the scheme. 2.
  30. The error sources of IRO are analyzed. The spherical symmetry approximation of electron density is the main source of the inversion error.